Monday, March 31, 2008

" A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

I think that this quote means that if they're a real friend then you can show them how your feeling at the time or what your going through. I think that your able to be whatever you want to be around that person and talk to them about anything, at any time, and feel that what you all talk about, is only between you all. I have a friend like that, her name is Alex, and I talk to her about any and everything and she does the same with me, and I think thats a really good quality that we both have, to be able to listen and understand where we're both coming from. Even though we're not best friends I consider her more like a sister to me, family. I hope when we go off to college that we will keep in touch and stay as close as we are now.

1 comment:

chasidyj said...

I relly feel the same way becuse i could tell my close friends anything in you should be able to do so.