Friday, February 15, 2008

Best Time Ever

The best time I had in my life was when I was in my 6th grade talent show. I remembering having to try out and pick out our outfitts and everything. It was me and about five of my friends, I was singing Aaliyah's song "We Need A Resolution" and my friends were like my background dancers. We were sooo nervous when we had to try out, I wasnt even sure that they were gooing to pick us to be in the talent show but they did and we were so happy. When the day of the talent show came we were so excited but nervous again, but once I got on the stage all my butterfly's went away. We had done such a good job that we got a huge and loud standing ovation when we were done. I got to perform in front of everyone and show them what I am capable of and it felt so good. Everybody was talking about our performance for weeks after that. That was the best time evr in my life.

1 comment:

Kenya said...

Oh my god cow you thought you were big and mighty because I you put me on the floor but that was luck. LUCK I tell you and if you think it's gonna happen again you MUST be sick. AND oh yea, your section SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!