Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Appearance Isn't all That Important

I think appearance is not such a big deal, at least that shouldnt be the main focus. You cant always judge or tell what someone is about just by the way they look or dress. Just because a person looks a certain way doesnt mean that they're incapable of getting the job done if they go on an job interview. I also dont believe that you can tell who a person is, as far as they're personality, because of the way they look or dress. I do believe that they're style of dress can sometimes tell what knid of mood they're in, I also think it sometimes tells a little about what they like to do by the way they dress. For example a sporty look may give the impression that they're either athletic, a tom boy(if a girl), or just like to dress that way because I know that I like to mostly wear jeans, sneakers, and a t-shirt. It's not just because im a tom boy I just really dont feel comfortable in anything else. That's why I think appearance isn't really important.

1 comment:

Lady Gemini said...

hey bree this brandi i agree wit u apperance is not anything