Thursday, April 3, 2008

Lessons Learned

One of my most lesson learned relationship was with my ex- boyfriend David. I've known him since I was ten years old and on and off with him since I was twelve to about 16. I knew he was very popular and all the girls loved him, it's is kind of crazy because I never date those type of guys. The last time we were together it lasted for about two years and one day I came home from my cousins wedding and found out that he had had a girl over from his school, and they spent the weekend together. It hurt me so bad because I really love him, and I'm not talking just like a friend but as someone I could see myself growing old with. It was always talk about David did this and David did that but I gave him the benefit of the doubt because all the girls who were saying it, and the ones he was supposedly with, were all the girls that I knew like him and wasnt too thrilled about me because I was with him, and I could never prove it. I guess I was looking for a commitment that he wasnt ready for and I just got out of a relationship because I learned that I wasn't ready for the commitment that he was. I see where David was coming from but he went about it the wrong way, he could have just been a man and broke up with me, but instead he was a coward and huhrt me worse than I had ever been hurt before. So the lessons that I learned are, one, I'm waaaaaaaaaaay too young to settle down and that you should never cheat on anyone because it really hurts, just grow up and break up with them before u really hurt them. I'm actually glad to say that David and I are on good terms and we talk a few times every now and then, but if we were to talk again I would deffinately have my guards up and it will probably be a few years before I would take him serious:)

1 comment:

The Fashion Queen said...

i feel where you are coming from because taking someone serious could really hurt you.